Essen Spiel 2015

Spiel! A bit late, but there you go 🙂

We buy a lot at Spiel but we also have a rule: if there’s an empty demo table, we should play! Thus we end up playing a lot of silly games that aren’t necessarily very good. Like Casting!

2015-10-09 13.16.15

Roborama! The best sit down game of the day, a light roborally with a fun programming mechanism!

2015-10-09 16.19.46

Siggil, which probably isn’t very good but look how happy it makes Kristina.

2015-10-09 18.05.31

You go to the biggest games fair in the world and you take that opportunity to trade a few games with other nerds from “No problem”, they say, “we have a set time and place for that”. And so you enter the maelstrom of nerds, waving your game or your nickname around, hoping the right people will spot you or you spot them. RPGGeek Math Trading meat grinder! It looks something like this:

And just in case you really wanted to know what the silliest game of Spiel 2015 looked like 🙂

And, of course, our haul


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